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Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Galt Irrigation District is a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) within the Cosumnes Subbasin and is particpating in developing a Groundwater Sustainability Plan for the subbasin.  This plan will be completed by January of 2021 and implementation will began in February of 2021.  

Draft Components of the Groundwater Sustainability Program are located at the following website:


Proposed Fee Study for Cosumnes Groundwater Authority including Galt Irrigation District

The following information is the proposed fee study for all groundwater-using parcels within the Cosumnes Basin as of June 5, 2024. This includes the base charge justification, the public water system and irrigated acreage rates.  There will be a Public Hearing on July 9, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. at 12746 Ivie Road, Herald, California. Information on the Public Hearing can be found on the Notice of Regulatory Fee 2024 below. 

Cosumnes Groundwater Authority Rate and Fee Study (2).pdfNotice of Regulatory Fee 2024_2025(4140494.1) (2).pdf

Below is the list of parcels included in the proposed Fee Study.

GID Groundwater User parcel list 2024.pdf


Groundwater-using Parcels Appeal and Correction Forms

Appeal and Correction forms will be posted at a later date following the July 9, 2024 Public Hearing.

GID 2024 Fee Appeal Form.pdf


2018 Crop Data GIS Map